Lee Jung Jae will direct and appear in film Hunt. Hunt is a spy action drama about Park Pyung Ho and Kim Jung Do, National Intelligence Service (NIS) agents, chasing after a North Korean spy, and ends up facing the shocking truth. As a prominent actor with both popularity and flawless acting prowess, Lee Jung Jae has led multiple box office successes, including Along with the Gods series, Assassination, and The Thieves. He also appeared in various movies that show high cinematic qualities, such as Svaha: The Sixth Finger and New World. In Hunt, Lee Jung Jae will play the role of Park Pyung Ho. As Hunt is Lee Jung JaeŌĆÖs first director debut film, he spent four years writing the script to improve its perfection. In addition, Sanai Pictures, which presented several big movies, including Money, The Spy Gone North, Asura: The City of Madness, and New World, will take charge of the production. After finishing the rest of the casting, Hunt will start filming next year. Source (1)